Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Grading the Current Congress

After TARP's first attempt to pass through Congress last year, the BBFiles officially named the Congressional Session the worst Congress since Reconstruction. However, two weeks later they reconciled themselves by passing TARP attempt 2.

However there is now a chance that the current Congress could go down as the worst Congress since Reconstruction. Ron Paul (R) Texas, has actually received 300 approvals to audit the Fed. Paul proposes giving Congress the power to "audit" the Fed. I guess his reasoning goes like this: the Federal Reserve caused the current recession, we should make sure this never happens again so lets improve upon the Fed by incorporating the Awesome Congress into the Fed's primary duty of monetary policy. ..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Poor Bernanke

Here is what Bernanke has to deal with.

The BBFiles is by nature anti-stupid people... making it easy to pick on this poorly argued article on MSNMoney. When the author says that Bernanke gave the Japanese bad advice, we wonder what Japan he is talking about. Japan has had a stagnant economy since the early 90's. They have gone MASSIVELY into debt (their Debt to GDP ratio is several times higher than America's), and have printed trillions of Yen to improve economic conditions. Yet, even with this they have suffered from negative inflation for 20 years! Bernanke realizes that for the common person deflation is as bad as (or worse than) inflation. Bernanke does not want the USA to suffer from inflation or deflation and looks for a good "channel" (about 3-4%) for price changes to sit. We currently have .01% inflation, which is causing 10% unemployment. Only someone that would gain from inflation would want us to change our policy right now... maybe a gold bug. The author's good friends own gold companies, so of course this author is bias against Bernanke.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Today's News

The new reports dorve the markets today. The dollar increased over 1%, gold plummeted 4% and crude oil dropped 4% as well. All of this occurred as the most recent unemployment numbers came out with unexpected results. Jobless claims were expected to increase by about 150,000 jobs. Instead they increased by only 11,000, an amazing statistic. One year ago we were losing jobs 700,000 jobs a month. New jobs at retail stores gearing up for Christmas sales probably drove this statistic.

In the BBFiles analysis, today's numbers support the theory that the American dollar is no where close to a default and, in fact, is probably approaching a bottom. Lets examine the chain of events that has driven the value of the dollar. Before the recession began the dollar floated between 70 and 75. This is low, but not dangerous and reflected America's large fiscal and trade deficits. When the recession struck, there was a general "flight to safety" (in which investors seek the safest investments) and a lot of investors rose the value of the dollar to about 86 by buying American dollars. Then, over the last several months, investors have gained confidence and slowed their purchases of bonds, thus driving the dollar back down to pre-recession levels. But it also reflects the amount of money that has bee created to fight the recession. Therefore, the value of the dollar should be

DollarValue=(Pre-recession Value)-(Value Lost Due to Increased Money Supply)

When numbers like today are reported, investors realize that the Federal Reserve will begin reducing the money supply, so the (Value Lost Due to Increased Money Supply) will decline, thus raising the value of the dollar. Assuming the dollar is close to a bottom, the Fed can really put the dollar wherever it wants by adjusting how much money goes into the system.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bernanke's Testimony

Bernanke began defending his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve today. As usual he made the predatory Senators look stupid. Case in point: Senator Bunning (R-KY) argued that Bernanke was not qualified to oversee the financial crisis... but he couldn't even make his argument without reading verbatim from his notes, and he made several errors in his speech! Should we really listen to someone who can't even read properly?

Then Senatory Shelby asked Bernanke to explain how the Regional Presidents were chosen... after Bernanke's explanation Shelby replied "Well we understand that Chairman, but that's not the issue here..." Well then why did you ask him to answer the question, Shelby? Our Congressmen need to realize that they are speaking to a National Icon and should treat him with respect!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Economic Data

So today is the dreaded "Cyber Monday." Apparently online retailers realize that employees will take advantage of on-the clock work hours on Monday to do some of their Christmas shopping. This is apparently a huge event... I would say that American's probably spend $32 trillion per hour on Cyber Monday.

But one might ask where the BBFiles got their data from because $32 trillion is almost 3 years of our annual income. Well the BBFiles just did what some economists do which is to make it up! We have no evidence for this dollar amount, but on the front page of MSN today there was an article bragging about how online sales have this Cyber Monday have increased by 20% over last year. What? First of all the day is not even over. The article has been posted since 3:30 PM MST. Also, large retail numbers like this are usually posted once a quarter then adjusted two quarters later. This is because it is extremely difficult to measure numbers like this, so we wonder how the author of the mentioned article could possible even have a rounded out guess, especially one as precise as 20%, before Cyber Monday is even over. People like this give economics a bad name.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

A New Era?

One of the differences between America and the rest of the world is our financial system. Whenever a large firm, small or large country or any individual wants a loan, an American financial institution is usually in on the deal in some way or another. These same institutions have fostered unprecedented international growth that has resulted in hundreds of million of people finding their way out of poverty.

Yet a few years of uncomfortable economic conditions automatically gets elected officials (supported by their constiutuents) into a frenzy. They begin calling for drastic changes based upon what has happened over the last few years, instead of what has worked over the last fifty to sixty years! Obama, Frank and especially Dodd need to back off their reform proposals.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Fed's Independance

Fourteen months ago the financial crisis paralyzed more than just the economy: it also paralyzed Congress. In a heroic act of stupidity, Congressmen embarked upon the usual he-said, she-said blame game refusing to take any action to help the economy. A single entity stepped into the vacuum that Congress left in its wake: the Federal Reserve. Congress did not know how to do with the crisis and almost made things worse by not passing the TARP legislation. The Federal Reserve acted efficiently and aggressively to right the tipping ship and has reaped solid results so far.

What kind of response do they get from the very Congressmen that were scared into a cave last September? Dodd, Frank and Obama have each proposed legislation that would strip the Federal Reserve of some of their power! Easily worse than the others is Dodds plan which seems to implicitly blame the entire crisis on the Federal Reserve. Dodd proposes taking away all of Fed's regulatory power, handing these powers over to an organization that is brand new and will look something like the SEC or FDIC. These organizations do not have the culture or history needed to properly regulate the financial system. In reality, all that needs to take place is an updating of the Fed's duties.

Free Markets: A Lesson From Dubai

As many of you have already heard, the Dubai government is in a tough financial situation. Dubai has spent a decade and hundreds of billions of dollars trying to become the financial hub of the middle east (like New York is the financial hub of America and London is of Europe). To do this, Dubai has gone massively into debt to entities like its neighbor Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi has one of the largest oil reserves in the world), banks, investment firms and bond dealers. Dubai has very little oil, but has used the sale of the oil it has and the debt the government has gone into to build such awesome investments like artificial islands shaped like pretty palm trees, hundreds of skyscrapers, thousands of luxury condos and five lane highways with no speed limits.

Now, the country is very close to defaulting on all of its loans. The country is in debt about $100 billion (not a lot for America, but a staggering amount for state about the size of Colorado). Unfortunetly, almost all of the development in the last ten years has been directed by the government. Because the government did not wait for demand to determine what and how to build things, they have artificial islands that no one goes to, five lane highways that have no cars on them, skyscrapers with 50% vacancy rates and an enormous housing bubble. Even if Dubai does not default on their loans (Abu Dhabi will probably figure out a way to bail them out in one way or another), who cares? Dubai is still stuck with expensive investments that are going no where. Governments can't create a financial sector, there are complex processes that go on in New York that have taken a hundred of years to build!

Countries need to learn that you can't jump to the result you want; at best governments can set up streamlining entities that assist private companies in their quest for competitiveness. When a company fails, another company jumps in and takes over where the other company left off, but fix the mistakes the previous company made! Let demand and price dictate investment, not a round table committee that has government pockets.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Response to Krugman

While Krugman has won the Nobel Prize, James Hamilton is a personal friend of Ben Bernanke... who do you think should be listened to? Read this post and compare it to Krugman's posts and you can decide!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

BBFiles Gaining Popularity

Apparently the BBFiles is becoming more and more influential. What else could explain the recent increase in US debt debate over the last week or so? The BBFiles has been saying that there is no threat of a total default by the USA for months. Paul Krugman must have tuned into the BBFiles, here is what he has to say:

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Housing Slump

As one of Bernanke's good friends points out today, the housing slump was not as geographically symmetrical as people probably think. James Hamilton's blog reads here:

Bernanke's Play

Chairman Bernanke has been criticized for using policies that are sure to induce high inflation rates. However, as this article alludes to, Bernanke has been using monetary policy to right a tipping ship and has done so skillfully. As time progresses the genius of Bernanke reveals itself more and more.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Future of America's Banks

In 1998 the largest American bank was only the 25th largest bank in the world. In 1999, the Glass-Steagel Act was abolished which effectively reduced the legal constraints that had been implemented against large banks during the Great Depression. Since GS was abolished, commercial and investment banks have been allowed to merge together into super-banks. Bear Stearns, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Washington Mutual are good examples of this class of super-banks. These super-banks have been (probably rightfully so) for the current financial crisis. When these banks failed, they were classified as "Too Big To Fail" (TBTF) and were not allowed to file for bankruptcy. In reality, their size was not as important as how interconnected they were to other institutions. If one institution failed, the whole house could come barreling down. Lehman Brothers is the classic example of why a TBTF insititution should not be allowed to fail.

The TBTF policy has been criticized since the recession began. Therefore, policymakers have begun making policy change recommendations. These have included going back to the Glass-Steagel days, breaking up all banks that are 'large', or doing nothing at all. The last several weeks have revealed which direction policymakers are probably heading. First, there will probably be constraints against large banks. Regulators could charge very high insurance fees for the largest banks that could make it so no bank could become large. Or, banks that exceed a certain size may undergo excessive amounts of regulation and monitoring. These calls against large banks have been made primarily in Congress and are gaining popularity. There is a chance that America will not have a large bank for an entire generation.

There is another train of thought that is a little more market friendly. Thomas Hoenig of the KC Federal Reserve recommends that a regulator be given the authority to step in and takeover large failing financial institutions. The instiution's management would be fired and the stakeholders wiped out, but the rest of the institution would be held in tact. This would give the management team the incentive to take limited risk, but also the incentive to maximize profit and revenue. The only constraint would be the insurance the large firms would have to pay for siezures, and this would probably welcomed by the financial system because each firm would have more confidence in the other firms they are interacting with! Hoenigs plan most closely resembles Barney Frank's proposed bill.

Economics and Politics

There are three important bills currently going through Congress that have the potential to change America's economic landscape. The first and most dangerous bill is Ron Paul's attempt to insert Congress into monetary decisions! In its current state the Federal Reserve can change the money supply at a moments notice with no political intervention. Paul proposes creating a new Congressional committee that will have the ability to examine all monetary decisions, effectively placing Congress on the FOMC's doorstep. This is a very dangerous idea. Monetary theory is very complex and Congressmen do not have the expertise to improve upon the current process. For example, in front of the Esteemed Chairman himself Paul said that the definition of inflation was an increase in the money supply!! Furthermore, Congressmen have different incentives than members of the Federal Reserve. If you know you have to be re-elected in two years or six years you will change the money supply with every ebb and flow of the market! Paul is being moved to the top of the Bernanke Arch-Nemesis List for this stupid legislation.

The next two bills are related. Barney Frank presented a bill to the House and Chris Dodd a bill to the Senate that will change how the Federal Reserve supervises banks. These are competing bills and the final legislation will be somewhere in between each of them. The BBFiles supports the Frank bill. Both bills strips the Federal Reserve of its Consumer Protection agency and creates a new CPA that will probably be led by Elizabeth Warren. Next, and more importantly, the Frank bill gives the Federal Reserve more tools to supervise the financial system. It does this by allowing the Federal Reserve Board of Governors to take-over ANY systemically important institution EVEN IF IT IS NOT NECESSARILY A BANK! (Think AIG and FannieMae). This is obviously controversial and there should be efficient constraints that restrict the Fed from becoming uber-aggressive. But, the current system is wholly inefficient and should be changed ASAP. The takeover process would be almost identical to what the FDIC does when it takes over a bank! This process will be funded by large financial institutions that will have to pay a fee as they get larger. There are many repercussions that could occur from this bill but they will not be discussed here.

The Dodd plan is quite drastic. It strips the Federal Reserve of all bank supervision authority and creates a new agency that will be in charge of regulating all financial institutions. The BBFiles is not inheritently against this, but there are several reasons we believe this is not a good plan. First, it assumes that the new agency will be able to supervise the financial system. Agencies such as the SEC, FDIC, CFTC and FHA were not more or less effective than the Federal Reserve. Next, it is important to understand that there are several things that make the Federal Reserve as efficient as it is, and the biggest factor is the relationship it has maintained with every important financial system in the world! Bernanke can go to any European regulator, Chinese bank, South American bank or Wall St CEO and gain an audience that will seriously consider what he has to say. There is no way an agency that is politically created and ran could do this! The Federal Reserve agrees that regulation reform is needed, but it has said this for years. Dodd's plan is too drastic and should be withdrawn from the Senate.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Apex of the Vortex

The BBFiles often brags about how awesome economics is. We believe that economics is the apex of the vortex of intellectual thought because it incorporates everything from math to business to science, politics, marketing, sociology, philosophy, history, accounting, relationships, experimentation, statistics, weather, development, investment, vacation, religion and many other things that are important and interesting. To be an economist is to be a true Renaissance man! Here is another example of how useful economics can be outside of the money world:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Trade Gap Numbers

The latest trade gaps numbers were released today. The trade gap widened by $39 billion. This was more than expected but probably reflected rising crude oil prices and imported vehicles from Cash for Clunkers. Because we are importing $39 billion more, money is switched from US dollars into the foriegn currency (kinda) and the dollar should depreciate some. The current drop in the dollar probably does not have much to do with the trade gap though. When compared to the carry trade, which is counted in hundreds of billions, the current trade gap numbers seem trivial! Keep in mind that the dollar is still higher than the when the recession began.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Money Flows

In order, the three largest purchasers of US debt (US Tbonds) are Japan, China, and American financial institutions. Each purchaser has a different reason for buying the bonds, but the fact remains that there is high demand for American debt and therefore the interest rates will stay low for some time.

However, as Kenneth Rogoff (former head of the IMF and current Harvard professor) points out, America's ability to show these entities that it will be willing to pay back the debt is very important. As the BBFiles has pointed out several times, America can afford to be many times more in debt than it is right now. The question is how efficient is the new debt that we are accruing?

When Bush went into debt $500 Billion a year unemployment plummeted to 4.5%! Investment and growth was high and the interest rates we paid on these loans were very low. Obama has a different problem though. With Bush's tax cuts about to expire in the middle of next year, Obama almost necessarily has to let them expire just to show the rest of the world that we are willing (they know we are able) to pay back the debt with out having the value of their investment plummet!!

So, while Conservatives are criticizing Obama next year for increasing government control, loyal BBFile readers will know that it has more to do with America's debt confidence than it does politics!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

On the Minimum Wage

One of the fantastic jobs that economists are blessed with is analyzing the unintended consequences that could occur if a certain policy is implemented. There are many consequences of implementing a minimum wage. This blog discusses one consequence that doesn't seem to be discussed very often; probably because it is not politically motivated.

While most economists focus on the increase in unemployment when minimum wages increase, this blog focuses on a potential positive consequence of minimum wages. Assume that you are a company that would like to hire an unskilled worker for $5 per hour. Unfortunetly, the minimum wage is $8 per hour. According to many Libertarian economists, the employer is losing $3 per hour, unemployment rises, and the employer can transfer some of the costs of hiring the employee onto the employee (uniform costs, working holidays, using the increased job competitiveness to make him work harder). However, the BBFiles points out that reality is quite different than theories and charts. In reality, no employer would pay a $5/hour employee $8/hour. The employer will have the natural incentive of training the employee to provide $8/hour of service!

Therefore, minimum wages could provide companies an incentive to train employees, which gives the untrained worker the ability to be worth more as an employee than if there was no unemployment!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


As highlighted in this article, the Chinese government is expressing its concern that some countries might exit their stimulus programs sooner rather than later. As most loyal BBFiles readers can probably surmise, this posturing by Chinese officials is based less off of economic theory and based more off of self preservation.

There are two primary ways to stimulate an economy: fiscal and monetary. The Chinese will say anything and everything they can to keep other governments from stimulating the economy via monetary policies and the will say anything and everything to keep them stimulating the economy via fiscal stimulus.

This is a blatant self preservation tactic. The Chinese own a lot of our bonds, which depreciate in value when the economy is stimulated via monetary policies. Conversly, if the economy is stimulated through fiscal deficit spending than the bonds may appreciate in value. Moreover, the Chinese know that stimulus funds will reach Chinese companies through purchases of manufactured goods coming from China. Therefore, there are three reasons for why the Chinese will automatically say the USA should not reduce fiscal stimulus and none of them should be heeded by any reasonable economist!

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Fed's Independance

According to Bloomberg, the Federal Reserve is in a struggle with Congress to maintain its independence. Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig is releasing a book that outlines the Fed's politcal fight to maintain autonomy. Hoenig is reacting to proposed legislation by two members of Congress, Barney Frank (D) and Chris Dodd (D), that would force every Regional Bank President to be appointed by Congress. Currently, the entire Board of Governors is appointed or approved by Congress and the Presidents are picked internally by Fed officials. This is in essence a checks and balances system so that Congress cannot overpower the monetary system while at the same they have oversight of the Fed. According to Hoenig, and the BBFiles wholeheartedly agrees, if Congress gains too much influence in the Federal Reserve monetary policy may begin to follow the political whims of whatever economic policies would help Congressmen be re-elected. This would retard growth and ensure a very inefficient and volatile monetary policy. The BBFiles would reccommend to Frank and Dodd to drop this proposed legislation immediately.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Krugman's Blog

Today, the always partisan Paul Krugman discussed the current attitudes of Federal Reserve Regional Presidents. He disagrees with them that interest rates should be hiked sooner rather than later. In response to Plosser's argument of early rate hikes, he says the following:

I don’t know what analysis lies behind these itchy trigger fingers. But it probably isn’t about analysis, anyway — it’s about mentality, the sense that central banks are supposed to act tough, not provide easy credit.

So the person who blames almost the entire recession of Greenspan's policy of easy credit is all of a sudden arguing that easy credit should be available for the next several years? It is interesting to note that Krugman's economic attitude changed on January 20, 2009. Why is that day significant again?

Thursday, October 22, 2009

BBFiles to Tarullo: Quit Talking!

As most of our most dedicated BBFile subscribers noticed today, there have been several headlines made concerning Feinberg's limitations on banker pay. Even more headlines were made today when Bernanke announced that the Fed would look into banker compensation. Readers, do not take these statements at face-value. The Federal Reserve's independence from Washington is of utmost importance. Bernanke knows this and wisely chooses his battles, knowing that Congress needs to stay away from monetary decisions. Unfortunetly there is a rabble-rouser in the midst. Daniel Tarullo has been fueling the fire in support of Feinberg's plan. Actually, out of the six articles The BBFiles has found concerning this topic, the ONLY Board of Governor to talk about the pay restrictions has been Tarullo! What is disconcerting about this is that Tarullo is also the only Board of Governor appointed by President Obama! Clearly Tarullo is jeopardizing the Fed's independance and Obama is undoubetedly influencing this behavior.

If Tarullo doesn't quit talking, The BBFiles will have no choice but to add him to the dreaded Bernanke Arch-Nemesis List!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An Economics Riddle: Dutch Disease

Here is an economics forecasting riddle:

In 2007 Ghana discovered massive amounts of crude oil about 20 miles off of the coast. It is estimated that it will bring over $1 Billion of revenue to the Ghana government. The crude oil will be primarily exported. Also, Ghana will own the entire field, except for a 25% stake sold to ExxonMobil so that the mining process goes efficiently and smoothly.

Here is the question: First, if Ghana EXPORTS a lot of crude oil what will happen to Ghana's currency? Will it increase or decrease?

Second, what ramifications will the change in Ghana's currency have on the rest of Ghana's economy?

More specifically, think about the different sectors of an economy (Government expenditure, investment, consumption, and export/import). Which sectors are affected more than the others? Could the rise in Ghana's currency have dangerous implications for any one sector in general?

For more information, research Dutch Disease... which is neither Dutch nor a disease!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Can the Stock Market Tell Us?

Over the last year the stock market has been on a wild roller coaster ride. The question is, Why is this so important?

Here is a good analogy for what stocks do: Pretend that the USA's economy is a car; the current recession is a very bumpy road (probably designed by Commerce City road developers); and the stock market represents the vehicle's shocks.

When the economy is good, there is almost no tension on the shocks and the passengers in the USA economy are driving smoothly and comfortably. When the vehicle exits the nice road and enters Commerce City, the shocks are knocked every which way and pounded into a pulp. This puts a lot of tension on the shocks and the passengers are whipped around and every once in a while thrown out of the car.

The stress put on the shocks of the car tells you how comfortable a ride the passengers in the vehicle will have. Similarly, when there is a lot of stress in the stock market, the USA's economy is put under a lot of stress BECAUSE STOCKS ARE USED AS COLLATERAL FOR INVESTMENT!!

When a corporation wants to invest, it needs to raise funds. On average, corporations only raise funds through selling shares of stock for 3% of their investments. Selling bonds is where the real money is made! Therefore, corporations tell potential bondholders that if anything ever happens to the company and they have to go bankrupt, the bondholders can take all of the stock that the corporation has. This means that when stock prices are high there is more collateral and more investment. When stocks are not worth much, nobody can invest and the economy does not grow.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Has Bernanke Printed A Lot of Money?

When politicians and political pundits want to sound smart and make headlines, they begin oversimplifying things that they don't understand. Accordingly, the last several months has seen an increase in the accusation that the Fed has "printed money."

As stated above, though, this is way oversimplified. Normally when the Fed wants to print money, it gives cash to banks in exchange for an asset like a T-Bond or fixed income security. Then the bank can spend that money however it wants by giving consumers, homeowners, and business owners loans.

Chairman Bernanke made a decision though. He analyzed the crisis and found that banks needed liquidity (cash), but consumers, homeowners and business owners should not be the end-recipient of this money because inflation could get out of hand in the long run. He therefore went to Congress and asked for permission to pay interest on the extra money banks keep at the Federal Reserve. This way, the banks would make as much money by doing nothing than they would by giving loans to the public (this is because the interest rate paid by the Fed is almost equal to the interest they would recieve in profit from a loan).

This gives the Fed a great tool to fight inflation. The Fed hasn't printed money because almost all of the cash that has been given to banks is sitting UNUSED in the bank's account at the Federal Reserve! At the same time, banks meet liquidity standards by having the money held with out issuing a loan.

Bernanke: Better Than Advertised Part II

The Federal Reserve has to maintain stable growth while stifling harmful inflation. This is a balancing act because to stimulate growth you sometimes have to expand the monetary base which stokes the flames of inflation.

Here is an extremely important analysis by Econometrician James Hamilton. It analyzes the Fed's Balance Sheet and the options it has to "un-print money."

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Bernanke: Better Than Advertised!

Bernanke, probably the most underpaid individual in America, really is as good as The BBFiles made him out to be. Some just might say miraculously good...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How Did Economists Miss This Downturn?

Last week Paul Krugman initiated a sequence of discussions centered around how and why the current recession blind sided economists as badly as it did. Other famous economists have jumped into the conversation, including Mark Thoma, James Delong and James Hamilton. It appears as though most of these economists "blame the other guy." For example, Paul Krugman, who is a Neo-Keynsian, basically argues that he was SO busy correcting Neo-Classical's mistakes that he totally missed the recession's warning signs. Liberals seem to blame Greenspan and Conservatives seem to blame... well Greenspan also.

The BBFiles, your trusty guide to unbiased economic analysis, disagrees with most of these economists. The study of business can be split into several fields: economics, finance, management, marketing, entrepeneurship. It appears as though economists have been assigned most of the blame for this recession. In reality, though, The BBFiles argues that the products that got us into the recession, the way they were traded, and and the people that were assigned to manage them, lie far outside of the field of economics. Financial wizards created MBS's, marketers sold them to as many people as possible, management teams gave employees incentive to stimulate short term profits, not long term growth. Lobbyists influenced Congressmen, Congressmen did what Congressmen do: spend a lot of money.

All of these things, which the field of economics does not specialize in, created a perfect storm of instability that led to this recession. It was economists of several different belief systems that stepped in via the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department and saved financial traders, management teams and Congressmen from the debacle that they created. While economists like Krugman believe that he is right and everyone that disagrees with him wrong, the BBFiles appreciates the diverse ideas and the new theories that come from debating controversial issues.

Friday, September 18, 2009

America's Lost Wealth

According to a press release from the Federal Reserve on Tuesday, American households gained about $2 trillion in the 2nd quarter- the first time it has increased since 2007. The Flow of Funds report also showed that the current net worth of American households is $53 trillion. The highest it reached was $65 trillion in 2007. In the 4th quarter of 2008 alone, the total dropped a record $11 trillion.