Thursday, December 3, 2009

Bernanke's Testimony

Bernanke began defending his tenure as Chairman of the Federal Reserve today. As usual he made the predatory Senators look stupid. Case in point: Senator Bunning (R-KY) argued that Bernanke was not qualified to oversee the financial crisis... but he couldn't even make his argument without reading verbatim from his notes, and he made several errors in his speech! Should we really listen to someone who can't even read properly?

Then Senatory Shelby asked Bernanke to explain how the Regional Presidents were chosen... after Bernanke's explanation Shelby replied "Well we understand that Chairman, but that's not the issue here..." Well then why did you ask him to answer the question, Shelby? Our Congressmen need to realize that they are speaking to a National Icon and should treat him with respect!!

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